Category Archives: Blog

What software program do you recommend?

I am continually asked what software I recommend. Newbies to experienced embroiderers alike come seeking [...]


With the invention of the internet came the opportunity to be able to purchase designs [...]

VIDEO: Punctuation not showing in Embrilliance?

You just purchased a font that includes the BX format and have installed the font [...]

VIDEO 1 of 4: Importing BX format fonts into Embrilliance

#1 of a 4 part video. In this video you will learn how to import [...]

VIDEO 2 of 4: Creating a word design in Embrilliance

Now that we have imported our fonts into Embrilliance, we will create a word design. [...]

VIDEO 3 of 4: Saving your design in Embrilliance

Learn how to save your design in Embrilliance. Find the Embrilliance software HERE CLICK HERE [...]